

Invitation to nanoelectronics, micro-robotics and cybersecurity collaborations Dec 9 & 10

Who’s making electronics with features smaller than current industry leaders can produce today? Who’s developing the most advanced micro-robotic platforms? Who’s on the leading edge of research in cyber security? Who has some of the most innovative staff in the world?1  The U.S. Army Research Laboratory -- and ARL is interested in working with you.

With access to its staff and its state-of-the-art facilities, normally restricted to a select few, ARL is launching a new initiative to cooperatively advance scientific breakthroughs with visionary, ambitious scientists and technologists from academia, private  sector businesses, institutes and others across the global research community. ARL’s Open Campus business model envisions the creation of a dynamic, cooperative science and technology ecosystem that links government assets with the global research community. You are invited to explore fundamental research collaboration opportunities with ARL engineers and scientists to help solve some of the nation’s most pressing research issues in defense and security and to advance your research vision in an entrepreneurial environment.

ARL’s Open Campus collaboration model is centered on mutual scientific interest and investment by all partners. Open Campus  partners work side-by-side with ARL research scientists and engineers, share ARL’s specialized research facilities, bring ARL researchers to their institutions to communicate a perspective on research conducted in federal laboratories, and become part of the broader DoD network. ARL is opening areas of its Adelphi Laboratory Center to host visiting scientists and engineers, including foreign nationals, and envisions future construction of new facilities to host partners, with laboratory and office space to serve  academia and small businesses, and to incubate entrepreneurial startups.

We invite you to be a part of our vision. 

We are holding an Open House for the Open Campus on Tuesday & Wednesday, December 9 & 10, 2014 in the Adelphi, Maryland vicinity. The goal of this event is to introduce the Science and Technology (S&T) community to ARL’s research scientists and engineers with whom you might collaborate, and to ARL’s specialized laboratory facilities that are available to support joint research. This informal two-day event features a variety of scheduled presentations, tours and an opportunity to meet one-on-one with some of the Army’s leading researchers.

During the event, ARL Director Dr. Thomas Russell will present the ARL Open Campus philosophy. Defense and Government leaders will speak to the wider impact of ARL’s Open Campus approach. Other speakers will highlight ARL’s seven S&T Campaign areas (Computational Sciences; Materials Research; Sciences for Maneuver; Information Sciences; Human Sciences; Sciences for Lethality and Protection; and Assessment and Analysis) highlighting strategic research collaboration opportunities. The ARL Open Campus Open House will include tours of ARL’s laboratories and opportunities for in-depth discussions with ARL research scientists and engineers.

Who should attend? 

Innovators of all types: Academic Vice-Provosts for Research, Deans, and Professors; Industry Technical Staff and Management; Small and Large Businesses; Business Developers; Government Research Laboratory Technical Staff and Management.

Additional information may be found at ARL’s Open Campus home page:  

Reprinted with permission from ARL.

October 23, 2014

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