

Robert E. Fischell

Robert E. Fischell


The 2nd Annual Fischell Festival, to take place on April 11, will highlight opportunities for engineers to improve life for millions of people.

Hosted by the Fischell Department of Bioengineering, the day?s events include talks by guest speakers, a live streamcast medical imaging procedure, lab tours, a poster session and a biotechnology career fair.

Guest speakers include:

  • On April 10:William Brody, president of Johns Hopkins University and entrepreneur, will deliver a lecture titled "Perspectives on Innovation: The Top Ten Tips." This event is also part of the Whiting-Turner Business and Entrepreneurial Lecture Series.
  • On April 11: Heinrich Kolem, President and CEO, Siemens Medical Solutions
  • Christoph Hergersberg, Global Technology Leader, Biosciences, GE Global Research
  • David Fischell, CEO, Angel Medical Systems
  • Robert E. Fischell, medical device inventor and entrepreneur; member, National Academy of Engineering

All of the day's events will take place in the Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building. Registration for the event ends at noon on April 4.

April 2, 2008

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