

Maryland ME Alum and Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Houston Pradeep Sharma.

Maryland ME Alum and Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Houston Pradeep Sharma.


Pradeep Sharma (Ph.D ?00) joined the department of mechanical engineering at University of Houston in January 2004 as an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, eventually earning the prestigious Bill D. Cook Assistant Professorship chaired status. He won the prestigious ONR Young Investigator Award this year, and the Young Investigators Award from Office of Naval Research and the Texas Space Grants Consortium New Investigators Program Award in years past. Sharma earned his Ph.D. in micromechanics of materials from Maryland and was advised by Professor Abhijit Dasgupta.

Dirk D. Thomas (B.S. '82) joined the Washington, D.C. office of Dewey Ballantine LLP on June 25, 2007 as a partner in the Intellectual Property Litigation Group. Mr. Thomas has more than 20 years of experience focusing on intellectual property litigation, is a registered patent attorney, and has experience in all ex parte and inter partes matters before the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the European Patent Office. He graduated from Maryland in 1982 where he received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and went on to George Washington University National Law Center where he received his J.D.

June 27, 2007

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