Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. candidate Arindam Goswami was awarded the Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship by the Graduate School of Maryland. Each fellowship awards a stipend of $10,000, candidacy tuition remission, financial assistance towards the cost of health insurance. The fellowship will provide financial support for either the fall 2007 or the spring 2008 semester, and was intended for students who are in the final stages of writing their dissertations.
The award supports Goswami?s research in ?Quantitative Assessment of Hermeticity of Micro- to Nano-liter Scale Packages.? After graduating, he intends to apply his research to the characterization of current and future advanced MEMS packages.
Goswami is advised by Professor Bongtae Han. When he?s not conducting research he is an active member of the Prince George?s County Rotaract Club.
April 26, 2007