A paper entitled "Applying CHP to the Ventilation Air of Buildings" by Matthew Cowie, Xiaohong Liao (presenter), and Reinhard Radermacher was selected for annual best student paper award by the officers of the Heat Pump Technical Committee of ASME's Advanced Energy Systems Division (AESD). The paper was originally presented at the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference in July 2003 at Las Vegas, Nevada.
The award consists of a commemorative certificate for each author and a $500 check. The award is to be presented at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and RD&D Expo AESD luncheon in November 2004.
ASME's Advanced Energy Systems Division was founded in 1964 as the Energetics Division. Organized as one of four divisions within the Society's Energy Resources Board, the Division is concerned with non-conventional or emerging energy conversion processes, both direct and indirect.
September 15, 2004