Professor Ali Mosleh has been appointed as the Director of the Reliability Engineering Program, administered through the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
The program offers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees and is the recognized leader worldwide in reliability engineering research and education. The program covers key domains including Complex Systems Reliability, Technology Risk Analysis, Software Reliability, and Microelectronics Reliability. Professor Mosleh will also be serving as the Director of the newly formed Center for Risk and Reliability (CRR), a research arm of the Reliability Engineering Program.
Dr. Ali Mosleh is an internationally recognized leader in technology risk and reliability with numerous seminal contributions to diverse fields of theory and application, winner of several scientific achievement awards, Fellow and Chair of the Engineering Division of the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA), Engineering Editor of the SRA Journal, Chair and organizer of numerous international conferences on risk and reliability engineering, and technical advisor to many national and international organizations.
June 15, 2004