Professor of Mechanical Engineering Ashwani K. Gupta has been awarded the James N. Landis Medal. The award consists of an honorarium, bronze medal, and certificate in recognition for his work in the development and implementation of revolutionary high temperature air comubustion technology that has resulted in significant energy savings, reduced pollution, and a better quality of product for a range of applications using fossil fuels and waste fuels.
The James N. Landis Medal was established in honor of James L. Landis, President of ASME in 1958. Established in 1977, the award is presented for outstanding personal performance related to designing, constructing, or managing the operation of major steam-powered electric stations using nuclear or fossil fuels. The candidate must also demonstrate personal leadership in humanitarian pursuits, which may include committee activity, Section leadership, or the broad non-technical professional activity of the nominee?s engineering society.
May 15, 2004