

Junior mechanical engineering major Carlos Casarez won first place for his poster presentation at the 2012 Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) in Atlanta this past February.  Casarez, who is an undergraduate researcher at the Micro Robotics Lab, presented research on the feasibility of using a previous design of a jumping robot using elastic springs via a micro electromechanical systems process on smaller robots.

Casarez credits his successful presentation on the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Undergraduate Research Program (LSAMP USP), which supports 10 undergraduate students and provides helpful tips on presenting scientific papers and presentations at conferences like the ERN Conference in STEM.

For more information about the ERN Conference and to find out how to present at next year’s conference, go to their website .

For more information about LSAMP’s efforts to encourage more minority students to graduate with a STEM degree, visit LSAMP . 

March 9, 2012

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