9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
A. James Clark Hall, Room 2121
For More Information:
Dr. Gregg Duncan
Jennifer D. Roberts Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology University of Maryland School of Public Health
Racism, Not Race: Impacts on Health Inequities and Disparities
This event will be offered in a hybrid format. For those who wish to attend online, login details will be sent to current BIOE faculty, affiliates, students, postdocs, and those who have previously asked to subscribe to our seminars listserv. If you do not currently receive our weekly seminars emails but you wish to attend this event, please email Alyssa Tomlinson (awolice@umd.edu).
About the Speaker Jennifer D. Roberts is an Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Maryland School of Public Health. Her scholarship focuses on the impact of built, social and natural environments, including the institutional and structural inequities of these environments, on physical activity and public health outcomes of marginalized communities. She is also the Founder and Director of the Public Health Outcomes and Effects of the Built Environment (PHOEBE) Laboratory as well as the Co-Founder and Co-Director of NatureRx@UMD.
This Event is For: Public
