

Event Information

CMNS DEI Seminar: Ebony McGee, Vanderbilt, How Racialized STEM Education Stifles Innovation
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
3:30 p.m.
1101 Bioscience Research Bldg
For More Information:
Abby Robinson

CMNS Dean’s Voices of Inclusive Excellence Lecture Series

"Black, Brown, Bruised: How Racialized STEM Education Stifles Innovation"

presented by

Ebony McGee
Professor of Diversity and STEM Education
Peabody College of Education and Human Development
Vanderbilt University

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

3:30 p.m. Reception
(1st Floor Atrium)
We encourage guests to eat outdoors, weather permitting.

4 p.m. Lecture
1101 Bioscience Research Building

Drawing on narratives from hundreds of Black, Latinx, and Indigenous individuals, the speaker examines the experiences of underrepresented racially minoritized students and faculty members who have succeeded in STEM. Based on this extensive research, McGee advocates for structural and institutional changes to address racial discrimination, stereotyping, and hostile environments in an effort to make the field more inclusive. The lecture is based on McGee's book, of the same name, which was published in 2020.

Ebony McGee is a professor of diversity and STEM education at Vanderbilt University's Peabody College. She investigates what it means to be racially marginalized while minoritized in the context of learning and achieving in STEM higher education and in the STEM professions. She studies, in particular, the racialized experiences and racial stereotypes that adversely affect the education and career trajectories of underrepresented groups of color. This involves exploring the social, material, and health costs of academic achievement and problematizing traditional forms of success in higher education, with an unapologetic focus on Black folk in these places and spaces. Her NSF CAREER grant investigates how marginalization undercuts success in STEM through psychological stress, interrupted STEM career trajectories, impostor phenomenon, and other debilitating race-related trauma for Black, Indigenous, and Latinx doctoral students.

Education is McGee's second career. She left a career in electrical engineering to earn a Ph.D. in mathematics education from the University of Illinois at Chicago, followed by a Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Chicago and a NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship at Northwestern University. She co-founded the Explorations in Diversifying Engineering Faculty Initiative and the Institute in Critical Quantitative and Mixed Methodologies Training for Underrepresented Scholars (ICQCM), which aims to be a go-to resource for the development of quantitative and mixed-methods skill sets that challenge simplistic quantifications of race and marginalization.

This event is hosted and sponsored by the CMNS Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Council.

If you have a question about this event, please contact Abby Robinson at or 301-405-5845.


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